28 Months Later? Here's What Alex Garland Says

28 Months Later? Here's What Alex Garland Says

In 2002, Danny Boyle and Alex Garland turned the zombie genre on its head with 28 Days Later, a film that took the concept of a post-apocalyptic viral outbreak and turned the adrenaline up with the deadly Rage Virus. The franchise continued in 2007 with Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's 28 Weeks Later, and that film left many wondering if and when a third installment would finally debut. There's quite a bit of enthusiasm for the series to become a trilogy (at least), but Garland recently took part in a Reddit AMA session and admitted that it probably won't happen. When asked by fans if there's a plan for another movie, Garland wrote:

Kind of, but doubt it will ever happen.

So if you are one of the many fans who has looked forward to the possibility of a third installment in the 28 Days Later franchise, then it sounds like you might not want to get your hopes up about it. Alex Garland knows of a tentative plan to do a third movie in this world (which many fans assumed might be called 28 Months Later), but now he's doubtful that it's going to happen. Like the insanely-strong infected at the end of the first movie, enough time passed, and it eventually wasted away.

The interesting thing to note about Alex Garland's response during that Reddit AMA session is the fact that there was "kind of" a plan in place to continue the franchise beyond the events of 28 Weeks Later. It wasn't just a theory, or a hypothetical story dreamed up by fans; it was real at one point. As fans will likely recall, the film ended with the Rage Virus making its way across the English Channel and into France, naturally setting up another movie in a new environment.

With that cliffhanger (we still don't know what happened to any of the surviving characters in 28 Weeks Later) tease in mind, there's room to continue expanding and try new things with this world. Alas, based on Alex Garland's assessment of the franchise, it seems more likely that imagery of the infected racing towards the Eiffel Tower provided the final punctuation for the series. Pretty bleak, right?

Despite the fact that it sounds like we probably won't get another entry in the 28 Days Later series, there's still plenty to be excited about within Alex Garland's filmography. On the heels of his recent directorial debut with Ex Machina (which went on to become a critical darling in its own right), the writer-director will soon debut his latest film, Annihilation, on February 23. Annihilation has already received strong critical buzz, so even without another installment in the pseudo zombie franchise, there's enough material here to keep genre fans intrigued for the foreseeable future.

CinemaBlend will keep you posted with more updates related to the future of the 28 Days Later world as new details are made available to us. For now, check out our 2018 movie premiere guide to see what movies (horror genre or otherwise) are set to debut this year!

Alex Garland knows of a tentative plan to do a third movie in this world (which many fans assumed might be called 28 Months Later), but now he's doubtful that it's going to happen.
28 DAYS LATER Screenwriter Alex Garland Says He - Collider
28 Days Later screenwriter Alex Garland says 28 Months Later could happen as he and director Danny Boyle are having "quite serious conversations."
Alex Garland Says 28 Months Later is Being Discussed - IGN

Danny Boyle and his 28 Days / Weeks Later crew have been discussing how to add a third film to the franchise. '28 Months Later' Could Really Happen, Says Screenwriter Alex Garland UPROXX
Alex Garland Says 28 Months Later is Being Discussed - IGN

Please try again later. Published on Jan 14, 2015 Screenwriter Alex Garland says he and director Danny Boyle have had talks about the proposed sequel to 28 Weeks Later.
Alex Garland Now Says '28 Months Later' Will Probably Never

The screenwriter of '28 Days Later', Alex Garland, has revealed that a third film in the horror franchise is close to becoming a reality. During a recent chat with IGN, the long-time writer and (now) director spoke candidly about another instalment of the popular series while promoting his newly directed feature,'Ex Machina'.
Will The Warm Bodies Movie Get A Sequel? Here's The Latest

Those hoping to see 28 Months Later one day have had their hopes dashed, after Alex Garland stated that he does not believe a further 28 Days Later sequel will ever happen. Garland wrote the screenplay for the acclaimed 2002 horror from Danny Boyle, and the title has gone down as one of the best modern examples of the zombie movie.
28 Months Later Is 'In Discussion', Says Alex Garland - Yahoo

28 Months Later? Here's What Alex Garland Says

Alex Garland Now Says '28 Months Later' Will Probably Never Happen. Movies. Bruce Campbell Just Dropped a Mysterious "September" Tease on Twitter So Start Speculating
Alex Garland Says 28 Months Later Probably Won't Ever Happen

Alex Garland Says 28 Months Later Probably Won't Ever Happen. Here's What It Fixes. April 16, 2019. Read More. Movies. Anakin And The Emperor Reunite In Awesome Star Wars Celebration Photo.
Alex Garland 'Doubts' 28 Months Later Will Ever Happen

Warm Bodies author Isaac Marion is about to publish the long-anticipated sequel to his offbeat zombie love story, which is already prompting fans to wonder if we'll see the sequel play out on the

By Chris Tilly. Alex Garland says there's a possibility we'll be getting a third movie in the 28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later series, with serious talks already under-way. Directed by Danny Boyle
'28 Months Later' Could Really Happen, Says Screenwriter Alex

Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame

Avatar's Box Office Record Is Even More Impressive After Avengers: Endgame

There has not been a movie event in our lifetimes quite like Avengers: Endgame. No amount of pie-in-the-sky box office forecasting or broken pre-sales records could have prepared the industry or us for the opening weekend of Marvels culmination film. By the time all the money was counted on Monday morning, Avengers: Endgame had obliterated the domestic opening weekend box office record by nearly $100 million and left a sea of exhausted movie theater employees in its wake.

Avengers: Endgame shot off like a rocket and the domestic opening weekend record was just the first major victim to fall to Marvels decade-in-the-making achievement. One by one, the Russo Brothers film climbed the box office charts, breaking records and felling many other massive movies, including those of the MCU, on its way to the top. Records are made to be broken, and like a blow from Stormbreaker, Endgame has done plenty of breaking.

But there is one record in particular left to break. One record that cements a movie as the biggest ever and the all-time box office champ. One film that stands alone. That record is for the worldwide box office gross, and it belongs to James Camerons Avatar.

After an opening weekend that got it over 40% of the way there, and after it sunk James Camerons other box office stalwart Titanic, it seemed to many like it was a matter of if, not when Avengers: Endgame would break Avatars record. That inevitability might have been premature though.

Avengers: Endgame currently sits at $2.713 billion worldwide, but Forbes Scott Mendelsohn does not see it having enough juice to make it to the $2.788 billion and beyond needed to match Avatar and claim the worldwide box office crown. Instead, he predicts that it will top out at a staggering, but still second-place, total $2.766 billion.

It is still a monumental achievement and no one involved has anything to hang their heads over if the film has to settle for being 2nd to James Camerons 2009 film. Yet, regardless of whether the MCU film ultimately claims the top spot on the worldwide charts or comes up just short, Avatars box office record is even more impressive after Avengers: Endgame.

I think we sometimes hand wave Avatars record and take it for granted because it has become a constant in our minds. We all know that Avatar is the biggest movie of all time, but the abstract nature of that fact has made it seem at times less like something that the film achieved and more like something that just is. That detracts from how impressive its run really was.

First, it must be addressed how long Avatars record has lasted. Avatar was released in December of 2009 and since it ended Titanics reign at the top, it has never once been so much as threatened until Avengers: Endgame. Thats nearly a decade of dominance where the biggest films Hollywood could muster all failed to even sniff Avatars record.

The Navi held off the reboot of the Jurassic Park franchise, a franchise whose original 1993 film once held the worldwide record before Titanic. The end of Harry Potter, the animated phenomenon Frozen and the MCUs finest and biggest films all fell short. Even the return of Star Wars, an incredible cultural and cinematic moment, with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, wasnt enough.

Hollywood may have become more myopically focused on tentpole blockbusters since 2009, but in that time it still couldnt craft one that could to bring down Toruk Makto. And if Avengers: Endgame too falls short, Avatars long reign will continue on.

Domestically, Avengers: Endgame beat Avatar and currently sits at $815.7 million according to Box Office Mojo. That makes it the second film, after Star Wars: The Force Awakens (which made $936.7 million domestically, a record Endgame definitely wont be beating) to best Avatars $760.5 million take.

Consider this though: Avatar got to $760.5 million domestically and that current Number 3 spot with a max domestic theater count of 3,461. At the height of its run Avengers: Endgame enjoyed a theater count of 4,662. Thats over 1,200 more theaters than Avatar had to achieve what it did. And according to the National Association of Theater Owners, the average U.S. ticket price was $7.50 in 2009 versus $9.11 last year.

Inflation means that movie tickets were less in 2009, which would be to Avatars benefit, but James Camerons movie was also the first, and arguably last, 3D event, and thus demanded premium ticket prices from audiences wanting the full experience. So to be fair, that issue gets a bit financially muddled. And domestically, when adjusted for inflation, the movie that sold the most tickets and remains and will forever remain the GOAT is Gone With the Wind.

Also, while Endgame started out with a massive bang at the box office that got it a lot of its haul very quickly, it also burned out faster. Whereas Avatar was a slow burn at the box office, with small percentage drops week to week that saw it methodically build its total. Avatar did also have a special edition re-release in the summer of 2010 that added $10.74 million domestically to its final tally.

Endgame debuted with a stunning $357.1 million and held on to the top spot on the domestic charts for 3 weeks. Avatar didnt even crack $100 million opening weekend, making $77 million. That puts it in 97th place for opening weekends. But it stayed in first place for seven straight weeks and didnt leave the top 10 until week 15. Thats crazy, and internationally Avatars accomplishments are just as impressive.

Avengers: Endgame has opened to a record $866.5 million overseas and to date has made $1.897 billion. Compare that with Avatar, which opened to a meager $164.5 million and went on to make $2.029 billion. And although blockbusters often make a huge chunk of their gross internationally, the foreign box office of 2009 wasnt what it is today.

We often cite the ever-growing importance of the China market for Hollywood films, but Avatar only made $204.1 million there. Thats because back then China only had less than 5,000 movie theater screens. Today the Middle Kingdom has around 60,000 according to The Washington Post. That incredible market growth has given blockbusters like Avengers: Endgame greater opportunity to make money. Endgame did just that, with $614.3 million in China so far, triple what Avatar did.

More screens equals more money, and because it played on fewer screens worldwide, Avatar had to do more with less, which makes the fact that it is still Number 1, whether it stays that way or not, all the more impressive.

Those are all just quantitative measures though and when you consider the qualitative factors of Avengers: Endgame and Avatar, the latters worldwide record is even more admirable.

While we sing the praises of Avatars record, it must be said that for all the factors like inflation and theater count, James Camerons film did have some distinct advantages that Avengers: Endgame did not enjoy. The most obvious of those is that Avatar released in December of 2009, years before studios decided on a year-round blockbuster season. Thats something Avatar arguably started, Disney continued with Star Wars and will soon alternate holiday seasons between Star Wars movies and the Avatar sequels.

In the weeks and months that followed Avatars release, Sherlock Holmes, The Book of Eli, The Wolfman, Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief and Dear John were released. It wasnt really until March of 2010 when a true blockbuster arrived in the form of Alice in Wonderland. Endgame was given no such quarter, with Detective Pikachu, John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum, Aladdin and Godzilla: King of the Monsters all following in the month or so after its release.

Nevertheless, despite its advantageous release month, Avatar still had more work to do than Endgame to reach the heights it did. Avatar was an original movie, from the filmmaker who made Titanic sure, but it had no real star power beyond James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver in a supporting role. Weve seen other original sci-fi blockbusters from name filmmakers and some with even more star power fail to launch, and Avatar could have easily gone the way of Jupiter Ascending.

It had to succeed by selling audiences through its marketing and in the theater, and it did so with fantastic word of mouth and repeat viewings from audiences that fell in love with the spectacle of the film and wanted to live in Pandora.

Conversely, Avengers: Endgame was always guaranteed to be huge. Before we saw the first trailer, Id say it had a good chance to snag the opening weekend record. Thats because it was the culmination of a franchise and characters audiences have invested in for over a decade. Everyone had already made up their minds to see it a long time ago.

It has the powerful Marvel branding and is the biggest film in the MCU, which is the biggest franchise in movie history. Those factors made Avengers: Endgame a true monoculture event that everyone wanted to be a part of, and the frenzy opening weekend is testament to that.

So the fact that it had all that going for it and it still might not surpass Avatar, and if it does it will be close, throws into stark relief just how impressive what Avatar did was. Thats not to take anything away from Avengers: Endgame, which has been a monumental achievement and no matter what film holds the top spot, Disney is the winner in all of this with Foxs Avatar now under its umbrella.

That Avatar has finally been challenged though shows just how much it takes to beat it and looks to be a truly herculean and perhaps Sisyphean task. The question then becomes, if something like Marvels biggest film cant beat it, can anything?

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Working With Wolves Was An Extreme Challenge In The Making Of Hold The Dark

Working With Wolves Was An Extreme Challenge In The Making Of Hold The Dark

While the old Hollywood axiom about not working with children or animals is about the potential for upstaging, there's good reason why it's a phrase often misinterpreted to be about the difficulty of working conditions. Neither of the aforementioned are well known for being super cooperative exactly when they need to be, and in the case of the latter situations are made even more difficult when the creatures are wild. A perfect example of this can be found in the story of the making of Hold The Dark, the new thriller from director Jeremy Saulnier. The film has Alaskan wolves playing a key part in the plot, and it was an element the filmmakers underestimated, starting with what screenwriter Macon Blair described to me as a "far too specific" script:

Very specific. 'The wolf stops, turns its head a quarter degree, gives an eye to the camera.' It was very, very specific, and there were a lot of sequences where I don't know what... I do know what I was thinking. I was thinking that it wasn't going to be my problem! So yeah, 'I'm going to give them some really complicated stuff to do with, with very precise directions.' And of course they're wild animals. They will do exactly whatever they want.

Hold The Dark held its American premiere at Fantastic Fest earlier this month in Austin, Texas, and the day after the screening I had the pleasure of sitting down with both Jeremy Saunier and Macon Blair to talk about their latest collaboration (they've now worked together on all four of Saulnier's feature directorial efforts, the previous three being Murder Party, Blue Ruin, and Green Room). I brought up the subject of working with the animals on the movie, going in assuming that it wasn't the easiest part of production, and the filmmakers told me all about not only the difficulty of working with wolves, but also why it was so important.

Macon Blair noted that while there was absolutely no way that the production could get the wolves to do exactly what he wrote into his screenplay, he was immensely impressed with what Jeremy Saulnier and his editor, Julia Bloch, were able to piece together. He openly described some of what he wrote for the animals as "not film-able," but still his director and the film's editor were able to get the footage that they needed to construct competent sequences.

Some of you may be questioning at this point why the Hold The Dark production wouldn't just patch things up with CGI, but that was actually something Jeremy Saulnier specifically wanted to avoid. While he had been somewhat convinced by other films that there was more that could be done with trained wolves, he didn't want to use the artifice of visual effects in a movie that is as grounded in reality as it is, even with its more supernatural elements. Explained the director,

The wolves, though, when Macon sort of choreographed the sequence with the semicircle of wolves approaching - what we see in movies - we thought they could do that. But most of the wolves you see, either they run through frame, or they're 3D CG models, and that's what we definitely didn't want to do, is dip into that world where we were doing something very artificial and contrived. Because the movie needed to be very grounded and unimpeachable as far as, 'Is this real or not?' Because we're asking people to take a big leap and it has mystical elements and all that.

Breaking it down, Jeremy Saulnier explained that there was little direction that could be offered for the wolves beyond the occasional introduction of a free meal:

The animals, you know, you throw a raw chicken at the wolves and they'll eat it, and they'll stare for a bit, but they do not behave properly. So it was an exercise in filmmaking, how do we translate Macon's script, get all the impact of that scene, but totally bend to the will of the wild animals and never allow ourselves to sort of lean back on any sort of artificial techniques.

Obviously all of this sounds like a sincere creative challenge, but one bit of positive news for Hold The Dark was that not all of the animal wrangling required serious improvisation. One of the key moments early in the movie sees Jeffrey Wright's character, Russell Core, impeded on the path to his destination by a large bison in the middle of the road, and Saulnier explained that there was really no issue at all with those creatures:

The bison behave quite well. They don't tend to be too skittish and bounce around.

There was a lot of hard work that went into the making of Hold The Dark, and audiences can now experience for themselves. The film, which co-stars Riley Keough, Alexander Skarsgard, and James Badge Dale, is now available for all Netflix subscribers on their streaming platform.

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